- Write a possible poem.
- Write an impossible poem.
For today’s prompt, write a suffering poem. A person or animal in the poem could be suffering. The poem itself could be suffering.
For today’s prompt, write a sevenling poem. Never heard of a sevenling poem? Well, it’s a 7-line poem (chosen because today is the 7th day of the challenge) that features two tercets and a one-liner in the final (third) stanza. My poem below illustrates the form. The first two stanzas should have an element of three in them that can either play off each directly, work as juxtaposition, or have no connection whatsoever. The final line should work as either a punchline, weird twist, or punctuation mark.
For today’s prompt, write a post poem. Post could be short for post office–or traditional mail. Post could be a wood or metal post. Or post could mean relate to words like postpone, post-punk, or whatever.
For today’s prompt, write a plus poem. Plus can mean a lot of things, and even the act of addition could equate to subtraction.
For today’s prompt, take the phrase
“Hold That (Blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new
phrase the title of your poem, and write the poem. Possible titles include
“Hold That Thought,” “Hold That Space,” “Hold That Poem,” or whatever else
holds your attention.