Friday, April 2, 2010

Today's theme was either a poem on water or use the line from a Boys II Men lyric: "Baby, I knew about it. I just didn't care."

I thought I would have used the lyric, but I actually struggled with it since I was not able to focus my thoughts. I could have written a short story on that lyric.

So about an hour later, I moved to water. And I don't know why, but I was thinking about the rivers that are currently "overflowing," particularly in the Midwest. I remember seeing the devastation from a few years ago and each time returned to the same thought: why do people live so close to the river and the river is simply doing what rivers do. flow.

I stayed with the Red Cedar river for the poem. Another two hour elapsed resulting in the following.


when the day is as long as the night
mud covered floor mats made in china
read like giant tarot cards
revealing secrets with seemingly indecipherable meanings as old as god
and certain futures as predictable as earthquakes.

when the day was as long as the night
the people from before knew that
water would rise to its own level
so they traveled with no more
than what they could carry need use
no more than what mother would provide.

when the day is as long as the night
distinguishable flakes meld into a rising flowing one
with no regard to stock prices on disaster
or millions of sandbags or supplications to another god
said to be worlds away.

when the day was as long as the night
the people from before celebrated
the god that flowed before them
and lost nothing to the river
bathing in its glory delight
and winding prayers of mud and snowflakes.


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