Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

From Poetic Asides:  “For today’s prompt, write a poem describing a scene in which two or more people interact without speaking. Such moments happen every day. Some are happy; some are sad; and some are angry.”

line wraps around the block: 20 dollar cover:
bass blasts pulse pumping arias of love freedom joy:
first drink in hand and still a little stiff:
he spots her center stage: a first down away:
awash in blinking amber rose light faux fog:
dancing alone: swaying slowly: yet on beat:
like she won’t be rushed:
he thinks she sees him: checks over each shoulder:
looks back at her:
he knows she sees him:
she knows he sees her:
eyes locked: an invitation:
stares laced with possibilities:
mind racing for something to say:
wants to be fresh: take a chance:
tethered to the bar: a safe zone:
orders another drink with a shot of courage:
turns back: ready:
swaying perfection gone.


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