Friday, April 9, 2010

eff, boo, eff.

What a wonderful Friday it has been.

I spent the day at work, intrigued by the prompt for the day, but more than that, wishing i could spend the day writing, watching golf, and more writing. Fortunately, the evening was punctuated by time with some of the loveliest people I have had the good fortune to include in my life. We happy houred at MUA in Oakland and the shenanigans ensued.

This is an elaborate excuse on why I have not posted today's poem, or, in fact, yesterday's poem either. Nonetheless, I promise you both poems tomorrow and look forward to birthing them at this very table, looking out at the downtown Oakland skyline, and Tiger Woods in the background.

On a side note, please know that I have appreciated the feedback on my progress. It's a treat to share this with you. Stay tuned.


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